Sunday, March 16, 2008

ALMOST a year!!!

Hi Everyone,
I know, I know. It's been a year. I feel as if BLOGGING is kinda old fashioned, compared to Facebook and all that has to offer. The one great thing I love about Facebook is kinda keeping in touch with them, without really keeping in touch with them. Does that make sense? You can kinda find out what is going on in their lives, without really prying or being too nosy...actually you kinda have to pry and be nosy, but in a quieter you click on stories, or you can actually read their friends notes they leave, and then you can kinda get the scoop without being too out there, and actually asking, "What happened?"....anyhooo...I digress...

I am in Winnipeg now. I have been here for 2 weeks. It's ok, but kinda not what I planned. So I am not sure if I will be here for much longer or what. I may be heading back to good old Banff...but we will see...

