Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lots has happened lately...

Hi Everyone,
Well I was at Lakota 20...which is a camp for Oil Rigs in Alberta. I was doing Housekeeping for the few days I was there...when I got the call that my Auntie Phyllis passed away. I was shocked and saddened, and made plans to head back to Saskatchewan for the funeral. It was a weird feeling to be in the house at 1340 Jubilee Drive in Swift Current, where I had lived there from 1989 to 1992, and where my Auntie Phyllis lived for the last 10 years with some of her children.
Auntie Phyllis was a loveable, kind person and you just loved her. Everything about her. And the most important thing about her was her love for God...it came across thru her compassion, her love, her life, her prayer and concern for others. I will miss her. The last time I saw her was in August 2005, and I am glad I got to see her and say my farewell there, and then, even though at that time, I didn't know it would be the last time I would see her.
It was great to see all my cousins, uncles and aunties and families at the funeral. Lots of visiting and reminscing. There was a spirit of joyfullness and peacefullness, admist some tears. Mom read the Eulogy and she did a wonderful job! I was proud of her! And it was a comfort for her to be there, with me. We stayed at Auntie Erla and Uncle Harry's place which was nice.
My friend Susan came to Swift Current for the funeral, and I was blessed to have her meet my family. Finally she got to meet my Mom...after 10 or so years...so that was neat. We drove back to Regina, singing and talking. Now I am here in Regina for about a week, gonna do some visiting and stuff. Then head back to Edmonton. Other than that, I am tired and hoping to gain some strength. I feel very drained.
