Saturday, May 27, 2006


Today on May 26, 2006, here in Regina, Sk, I participated in a project for the CATHEDRAL ARTS FESTIVAL in the Cathedral community of Regina, Sk. I was filmed and it was put in the archive at Connaught Library. Basically we were to string a "clothesline" in the yard where I live with the Letourneau's at 2133 Cameron St. And I could put on there anything that described me, who I was, my interests or whatever. And since I am very involved in FAMILY TREE and GENEALOGY and ARCHIVING, I decided to add about my biological family from Manitoba, and my ancestors who were Metis and First Nation. I added photos and even a map of part of Manitoba where my ancestors lived.

Crane River First Nation
Skownan First Nation
Ebb and Flow First Nation
Sandy Lake First Nation
Pine Creek First Nation
Chemawawin First Nation
Grand Rapids, Mb
Duck Bay, Mb
Camperville Metis Settlement
Rock Ridge Metis Settlement
St Laurent, Mb, which is a huge Metis Settlement/Town

So it was awesome to be interviewed as I described the photos, who the old ancestors were, explaining my family tree lineage, as well as describing how long I had been documenting and why I started. They must have been interviewing me and filming my stuff for about 15 minutes. But all worth it. They told me at the end, "You should be proud of your heritage!" of which I replied, "I am." And I am. But what a day! It started to rain so I had to remove it. But I hope to put up another one tomorrow. Although given that it might rain, I will have to tape it so it is protected from the rain.

Cameron Parenteau-Longo