Monday, February 06, 2006

2 months later...

Hi Guys!

Well I have been in Regina for two months now. I am now unemployed as I only worked at a Seasonal job. It was fun, though, while it lasted. So have put out resumes and the like, and have some prospects for some job.

But the big thing is that I might be getting my Treaty Status soon. I have to go to my Reserve in Skownan, to get 6 people Elders and Family Members to sign a declaration stating my birth mother Florence Chartrand is the biological daughter of Ida Houle and JOHNNY CATCHEWAY. The whole problem, to make a long story short, is my Grandmother Ida Houle married a Joe Chartrand, while being pregnant. He was not the father of my Mother Florence and her twin Rose. He died right before they were born and when being born, my Grandmother signed on Birth Certificate that Joe Chartrand was the father. He was not treaty and so my Grandmother lost her treaty rights. Well, in 1985, Bill C-31 came into effect and my grandma would have been reinstated but had passed on. My mother and her sister Rose knew who their real father was. Johnny Catcheway. And his family knew about the twin daughters he had. But no documentation was ever made of it. So I have to get these people...6 of sign a document stating this. So when I get this done, I send it to Ottawa, along with my application to University and then another life will open up for me. This has been years in the making, lemme tell you. My adopted mother Fern applied to Indian and Northern Affairs back in it's been a frusterating 15 years. And I want to go to school. Not sure yet what I will take...but that will come to me when I check out my options.

So that is my news for now. Other than that, life is life.

My thoughts,