Life, life, and more life...what life??
Hi Guys,
I am so tired. It's been a tiring week. But thank the good Lord, I have the next two days off. Last week, on my 2 days off, I did not stir out of my suite...I didn't go walking...or go downtown or anything...just slept and read, and watched tv, as well as some cleaning. That's pretty much what my agenda will be in my next 2 days. I recuperate by resting and by Tuesday morning, I will be raring to go again. I do enjoy my job, but I do NOT enjoy the stress it can bring.
For example, for those of you that don't know...I will get a sheet with 25 rooms...but which can translate to 29 rooms, as 4 of the rooms are actually 2 room suites(2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen)...and I consider those rooms not 1 room but 2. Then, of the 29 rooms, 16 of them are Check Outs, which means the guest checks out and we have to clean the entire room for new guest. Then I have 13 stayovers, which means you go in and clean it..take garbage out, clean up bathroom, replace towels, make beds, and do light house cleaning. So what makes it stressfull, is if I am working with someone, and they don't show up...I have to do ENTIRE Sheet by myself...of course, usually I will get help from others at end of day, but it is stressful leading up to it. Then one of the Supervisors, will say, oh Room 332 is a Rush Priority room and has to be cleaned right away...(of course, Room 332 is a 2 Bedroom Suite...go figure!)...I finally get it done, and I have 2 more RUSH rooms... and so on and on and on(like the ABBA song...right Denise?).
But I enjoy my coworkers. They know the real me...the zany me...the singing me...the joking me...Right now, I am the HOUSEKEEPING TRAINER...which means I train ALL the new staff that join the Hotel. In the past week and a half, I have trained 3 guys and 3 girls. Training can be allright, but time consuming...and you have to check their make sure they do it right. And I have no qualms about sending them back to redo something if it's not done motto is..."Do a job well the first time, or don't do it at all...and by the way, Not doing it at all, is NOT an option!!" Technically I did not get my Housekeeping Supervisor Position that I was promised...because the new managers did not know that I was promised it by the old manager who left a few days before I arrived there. And so they hired a new Supervisor...but, when I met with the new manager and explained to him, he conceded to making me a Housekeeping Trainer, and still getting the same raise as a Supervisor...and when a position comes up, I am the first one to get I think that is cool.
Well take care everyone! Thanks Sandi for the belated birthday wish! Hope you and Nico are fine!! Oh remember to send me the GOLDEN GIRLS dvd...I cannot live without it!! I've tried, but can't...LOL.
Take care!
Did you not eat during your 2 days off? That should be on your agenda for everyday. Even days off. Still, it sounds nice not leaving "home" at all during your days off. Ahhh...I miss those care free days of just doing nothing whenever the chance arose.
Ah well...I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything!
Love the Golden Girls, they rule.
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