Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Being of Mennonite background...

Hi all,
Well, in the last little while, I have been on my MENNONITE kick! I love to read anything about the Mennonites, and am fascinated with their history. I think what fascinates and captures my interest, is their desire and belief in their faith, despite persecution and death. My great, great, great grandfather was named DAVID KLASSEN, and he, I believe was one that came from Russia in the early 1870's to explore Canada and the US, to scope out the land for groups of arriving Mennonites. Supposedly there is a famous picture of David Klassen and his family and a group of the Mennonites arriving in Manitoba in 1874, but I have yet to see it.
I guess I must add something. For those of you, who know me, know that I was adopted at age 6 into Fern and Tony Longo's home. My adopted mother Fern was a Klaassen, and she grew up learning low German and high German, on their Beaver Flat, Saskatchewan farm. Around that area, were tons of Mennonites, and so she grew up, with that Mennonite structure. As for me, even though I am adopted, I still hold on to the fact that I am still a (adopted) Mennonite descendant. A lot of their belief systems, I hold to.
I still remember my grandfather Daniel W. Klaassen. I will post a picture of me meeting him in 1979, in the near future. He passed away about a year later, and we sang at his funeral, Gott ist Dieliebe.(God Is Love). I always wish I had met his wife, my mother's mother, Katie(nee Klassen) Klaassen. But she passed away at the young age of 42, leaving behind 6 children, and my mother was only 11. It was difficult for the entire family. Sometimes I wonder, what would have happened, had she lived. But then, maybe I would never have been adopted.

My thoughts,


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