Sunday, October 17, 2004

More about me...

Well, I was born in 1972 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. My biological parents were Clifford and Florence(Chartrand)Parenteau. I was their second child, the first being my older brother Gordon Chartrand born in 1971. A year or so after me, my sister Janey Joyce arrived right before Christmas 1973. Two years later in 1975, Debbie arrived, followed by sister Sonya in 1977. To make a long story short, we all got put up for adoption. It was during my Kindergarten year at Dufferin School, that I met this wonderful, beautiful lady named Fern(Klaassen) Longo who took an interest in me. It's amazing how we met, considering she was a Resource teacher, and I was a student, albeit a very young student. She and her husband adopted me, and later on, my 2 birth sisters Janey(renamed Jeanne) and Debbie. In addition, in 1982, Sachia Stephen arrived and Cori Marie in 1985. Our family was complete. I attended Donwood Elementary School in North Kildonan from Grades One to Grade Five. In Grade Six, I attended Calvin Christian School, a private Christian school and would stay there for the next four years. The reason we were able to attend is that my adopted mother's adopted mother Cora Bergreen passed away and left money in her will for all of her grandchildren to attend Christian education. In Grade 10, I opted for a secular High School at River East Collegiate, but halfway thru the first semester, my world turned upside down. Long story short, our mother moved us to Swift Current, Saskatchewan to begin a new life there. This is near the area where she was raised as a young girl onto adulthood. Her family were Mennonites and carried their heritage with them.

I had my experiences being adopted published in a book and websited called Stolen Generations: Book of Voices. That was very neat to do, and very healing for myself. I am proud of myself for that. Eventually, I will publish onto this blog, what I wrote for that book.

My Thoughts,


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